Tri-State Imam Statement on George Floyd

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"All mankind is from Adam and Eve. An Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab any superiority over an Arab. A white man has no superiority over a black man, nor a black man over a white one, except in piety and good action." 

 —Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), in his final sermon

The Tri-State Imam Council has been closely monitoring the nationwide civil unrest instigated by the brutal murder of George Floyd, a black man asphyxiated by a Minneapolis police officer who pressed his knee to his neck even as his colleagues stood by and did nothing. 

We demand justice for the family, friends, and community of George Floyd, including a thorough investigation of his murder and his murderers. While we reject all forms of violence and rioting—including the burning of taxpayer-funded police vehicles and precincts, and the destruction of innocent business owners’ livelihoods—we do stand with the masses of peaceful protestors, who have too often been brutalized just for exercising their constitutional rights.

It is our God-given duty to stand against prejudice and injustice. All of the Semitic faiths came to purge bigotry and replace it with brotherhood, equality, and reconciliation. Few issues have been assigned more importance in Islam than that of combating racism. God says in the Qur'an: "O people, We created you from a male and a female, and made you people and tribes so that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you.” The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “All of humanity are the descendants of Adam, and Adam was created from clay.” 

All Americans, irrespective of race, religion, or creed, must come together to secure justice for George Floyd and all other victims of systemic oppression. The plague of racism will not be cured by the palliatives of speechifying politicians or sermonizing clergymen. We, as a nation and as a community, must tear out this sickness by the roots. That will not happen until we:

  • Revise the laws that can give cover to racist practices 

  • Rehabilitate workers in our nation’s security apparatuses so that they set an example of decent and egalitarian conduct

  • Reform our educational system so that it fosters a culture of mutual respect and peaceful coexistence 

  • Address the economic, social, and health disparities that continue to afflict the African-American community, which has been disproportionately impacted by COVID-19.   

Finally, we call upon all decision-makers, religious leaders, and civil institutions to unite for the sake of preserving our country, and for ensuring that it remains a leading light for democracy and human rights. May God protect America. 


بيان مجلس الأئمة بخصوص المشاركة في الإحصاء المجتمعي


اعلان تحديد بداية شهر رمضان ويوم العيد لعام 1441هـ